How to debug xen in qemu

If by any chance you became a pathetic system software developer (like me), debugging may have been a torture for you, especially when your system doesn't even give you a chance to view its printk message before crashing.

For common operating systems, running in qemu is a good choice if you don't wanna be bothered with the serial console stuff. But I guess few people ever imagined running a hypervisor (e.g xen) in qemu. The only article I found trying to do so failed starting any guests. Considering the convenience this could bring, I tried to build such an debugging environment and resulted in a success (with xen). So, I'm recording my steps in case anyone would find this way useful.

Why use qemu?

The main advantage is that you don't need to restart your physical machine every time your system crashes. What's more, by redirecting output, you can easily see every line of printk from your local console window even if the system crashes before starting up. Also, you can make use of various functions qemu provide to speed up your debugging. The only disadvantage is that qemu is not 100% compatable with all physical machines. Systems running well in qemu may still crash in a physical machine.

The steps

  1. Create a qemu image and install domain 0 (debian jessie in my case). Leave enough space. You'll install guest domains later!
  2. Install the xen version you want to modify from source code, you can google "compile xen from source" for help. (xen 4.5.1 in my case). Make sure you can start dom0 without hypervisor in the config of grub.
  3. Modify kernel parameters for hypervisor and dom0 in grub configuration file so that you can redirect the output to the console window running qemu. I'm a lazy person so google it yourself.
  4. Install the correct version of xen-tools from source code. You can refer to my blog about xen-tools if you get any trouble.
  5. Install a guest with xen-tools. You can find an example in xen beginners guide.(in my case a debian jessie pv guest, using files in dom0 as disks)
  6. If you want a guest with network, configure it in dom0.(I didn't try this)
  7. If you only need a running guest without networking, simply remove all entries in the config file(/etc/xen/xxx.cfg by default) in the network section or you'll get a error about lacking xenbr0
  8. Run the guest. See whether you succeded.(yes in my case)
  9. Every time you modify any part and want to test, cd into that sub-dir, run "make;sudo make install", and this part in the system will be replaced with your version. Keep an unmodified version in case you need to restore it.

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