xen-tools is a convenient tool for creating xen guests. If you use all xen
related packages from your distro's official repo, probably you won't get into
any trouble.
But, chances are that you want to build a specific version of xen. Then
xen-tools may not work for you as expected. Here are some troubles I myself
ran into and how I solved them.
- Version numbers of xen and xen-tools must match. You can't use xen-tools
4.4 on xen 4.5 since the interface may change with the development progress.
I guess the extra version number doesn't matter. I ran xen-tools 4.5 on xen
4.5.1 smoothly.
- Even if you've installed the proper version of xen-tools, you may still
get an error like "ERROR: Can't find version 4.5 of xen utils, bailing out!"
That's because xen-tools can't find the directory of your xen files. In my
debian jessie system, the message was produce by a bash script:
It searches /usr/lib/xen-x.x for xen files. If you used the default configure
when compiling xen, the script would probably put everything into "/usr/local"
So, the simple solution is: delete everything in "xen-dir" script and put only
one line of code there: "echo /usr/local". If you don't like the dirty way,
you may google "compile xen from source" and change the configuration
following those instrucitons.
- If you still get a stupid error like "ERROR: Toolstack not specifed and
nothing detected, bailing out!", that's because a script is trying to search
for xl in "bin" directory, which is actually located in "sbin" in some distros.
The specific script is "/usr/lib/xen-common/bin/xen-toolstack".
You know how to fix it.